Electroplating / surface engineering

HAUTAU – Your service partner

We offer high-grade corrosion protection for rack and drum goods based on alkaline zinc electrolytes with perfectly matched passivation and seals. Electrogalvanising offers protection against corrosion for steel and die-cast steel.
Flexible system control allows us to adapt to your requirements, providing a customised finish in terms of appearance, corrosion protection and layer thickness.

Your competent contact in all questions for surface technology:

Surface engineering
Fon: +49 5724 393-274
E-Mail: r.passmann@hautau.de




Surface seal with HAUTAU S plus®

HAUTAU S plus® provides high-grade corrosion protection against general environmental influences, even for urban and industrial atmospheres with moderate SO2 exposure. Products coated with HAUTAU S plus® achieve corrosion protection class 4 as per BS EN 1670 in salt spray tests.


We actively practice environmental protection

We take our commitment to the environment seriously. The careful, sustainable handling of resources is very important to us.  Constant tests in our laboratory ensure consistently high waste water quality. We use state-of-the-art system and analysis technology to guarantee compliance with all official regulations. Our modern combined heat and power unit ensures energy efficiency.
